Sunbae Lee

Sunbae Lee
Spécialiste du renforcement des capacités et de la formation et du développement du Centre de développement des ressources humaines du gouvernement métropolitain de Séoul

Mr. Sunbae Lee, Capacity Building / Training & Development Specialist, Seoul Metropolitan  Government Human Resources Development Center (SHRDC) South Korea: (TBC)

He joined Seoul Metropolitan Government HRD Center or SHRDC for the inauguration of METROPOLIS International Training Institute ( As a project manager, he successfully hosted Opening Forum of headquarter of METROPOLIS International Training Institute in 2014. Since METROPOLIS International Training Institute or MITI's inauguration at SHRDC, he designed and delivered urban training programs for foreign local government officials to build urban capacity. He recently introduced SHRDC MOOC programs to help foreign local government officials easily learn Seoul's best urban policy and practice. Before he joined Seoul Metropolitan Government, he worked at KMA (Korea Management Association) which is an non-for-profit organization specializing in lifelong learning, executive development and management consulting.