Madam Noraini Binti Roslan has 20 years diversity experienced in urban planning in this determinations in sustainability cities has bring her in giving speeches in international platform at the; 5th Asean Mayors Forum 2019 (Bangkok), Asia Pacific Urban Forum 7 (APUF7) 2019 (Penang), Hamamatsu International Summit on Intercity Collaboration 2019 (Hamamatsu City, Japan), 1st UN Habitat Assembly (UN Habitat) (Nairobi, Kenya) (2019), Localizing The Sustainable Development Goals (UCLG) (Seville, Spain) (2019) and Malaysia Urban Forum 2019 (Kuala Lumpur). Madam Noraini Binti Roslan currently is the President of the PEMSEA Network of Local Governments for Sustainable Coastal Development (PNLG), which roles as Sustainable Development Strategy for the Seas of East Asia (SDS-SEA) in planning regional strategy includes the pollution reduction and waste management. Madam Noraini Binti Roslan holds a Masters of Regional Planning from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, U.S.A. and Bachelor of Science (Magna cum Laude) Urban and Regional Planning from East Carolina University, North Carolina, U.S.A. Throughout her career, she has appointed 8 years as a mayor in Kuala Selangor District Council and Hulu Selangor District Council and serves as mayor of the Subang Jaya Municipal Council since 2018. Madam Noraini Binti Roslan has pledge to make Subang Jaya as a smart, safe, health, green, women friendly city, and sustainable by 2030.